June 20, 2011

Dream Houses

A long time between posts...I know.

I've been on a journey of a personal note for awhile now....and when the time is right I will share.  

Well, here I was sitting quietly the other day; contemplating and dreaming about what my perfect house would look like....when lone behold....my son took my pic.  

Don't I look lovely? 
 Well enough of that

 I'm sure you've caught on that this is not really me.........

This is just the woman who actually looks like she'd BELONG in one of my dream homes.... :)

Anyway...here we go.... Come along for my little dream tour...and don't say I didn't warn you....

You're in for a treat!

Isn't this stone cottage fabulous?  The history alone would make me want to move in. Imagine a cup of something hot  while sitting by the fireplace?   Mmmmm

Now this home knocks my socks off. Just look at the roof.... and the grounds are impeccable. This seems to be sitting at the foot of a mountain. Location, Location, Location!!!

I could so imagine myself living in this sweet cottage below.  So feminine and pretty in pink...definitely made my "dream list".

Now, I don't know if this is one large house below or two close together....but that's ok...I'll take both!

Just take in all that architecture for a moment.  I don't think I'd ever go inside...I'd just sit in the tree and stare at it all day!

Another stone cottage which seems to be someplace far away......in my dreams....

Now this...this made my jaw drop and my heart almost stop.  So cozy and comforting at once! Very storybook looking and one of my absolute favorites!

I think Hansel and Gretel may have been prior tenants.

Three beauties on Martha's Vineyard. Nothing like a beautiful beach style home. Sand is welcome!

A little English Cottage...how enchanting. Do you see a theme here?  I'm definitely drawn to the dreamy look.

I could see myself sitting outside tending the gardens and taking long walks on the property. In the evenings I'd sit by candlelight and write my memoir.

Here's another dream house...something about these roofs and flowers give me goose bumps...

Ahhhh...Is it the house I love or the field of flowers?  Pretty sure the house is amazing, but gotta love that property!

Once upon a time, Karen lived in a faraway place in this land of everything sweet and pure. What a place to dream and plan, to live and love. To float down the river on a wee boat.... (and then she woke up)  :)

But....if not there...maybe I could snag this little beauty. Doesn't it beckon you to come right in and stay awhile? The architecture with the stone chimney just takes my breath away.

Yes, this one is different from the rest but to live on the ocean has always been a dream of mine. To breathe in the ocean air and hear the waves rise and fall....perfectly heavenly. To me, the ocean is the most calming place on the planet. 

This house is just sweet enough...something about the color...and again the blooming flowers...sigh!

And lastly, this one made the list, although unusual and different from all the others...
This my friends, has been my home for 20 years. I've raised my children here, made memories, lived, laughed, cried, prayed, and played here. 

Although I'll have to leave here around this time next year, I can honestly say that THIS has been my dream home.

I will always treasure the memories made in this home, and next year even after the last box is packed, the echos and footsteps of my family, of lives well lived, will linger here after we've left.
For now, I will do my best to enjoy this last year in our home.  I will trust that the Lord knows where I'm going and in that I find comfort. 

Whether it's a cottage, a condo, or an apartment....home will be where love is.
karens sig 2


White Ironstone Cottage said...

I love all of the homes
gorgeous post

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

Hi Karen...so admire your attitude and your next nest will be beautiful, just like you!

Ido said...

Hi Karen,
Now you have me dreaming, we are in the process (well sort of) of moving to Washington and looks like we will be designing our own home, I will keep all these houses in mind, I gotta have a library, even if it's a tiny one and a garden. Thank you for this wonderful post.
Have a lovely dreamy day!

Unknown said...

"home is where the heart is." you will take yours with you....

Susan EvelynAndRose said...

Hi Karen,
I'm catching up with blogs after being away visiting family for a week. I'm glad to see these posts of yours. I do hope your personal journey is taking you out of the valley and into a hope-filled new life. You will make a home special no matter where it is. Since you like the ocean...come up here to Beverly! :)
- Susan

Anonymous said...

Hi Karen, Your home has always had it's own heart...because you've given it life to be a happy, sweet, loving home. You'll make your next home the same way - it'll just be a different size and shape. Love, Pam

Anonymous said...

I love all of those English cottages, they beckon of a time long ago. I can imagine having a spot of tea and cozing up to a good book. However, it is true, love is where home is, no matter where you are.