May 1, 2012

My turn to show off the White Event ~ finally

Our second annual "At Home With White Event" at WCS on April 14th-16th was a huge hit.  I of course, am the last of the Mohicans to post pics and blog about this incredible show, but alas...better late than never!

I'll take you on a tour of some of the displays inside the tent.  Not all of the shop girls participated in the tent (sadly I was one of them), but we all whitened our spaces in the store for the show. Next post, I'll share those pics, but for now....

Hold on to your hearts...

This was part of Sandi's space in the tent. (aka A Cottage Muse) I LOVED this corner...and that dress form is to die for!!!
Everything in this pic was begging to come home with me, but sadly...I had to decline
I must admit that this shabby chippy cupboard followed me home~
Jeannie's space looked like the Garden of Eden to me...lovely florals abound everywhere
Mary Ellen (Shop Keeper) had incredibly unique vignettes
This is Deb's space...she did an awesome job
See anything you like yet?
How about now?
This table and chair set of Sue's was gorgeous
The tent was filled with textures and shades of white to swoon over... as far as the eye could see~
Sandi's farm style corner
So much was almost too much to take in...
The Shop Girls did an amazing job inside the tent and in the shop as well.  
I'm honored to know them and work alongside them!  They are all incredibly talented and creative!
I must tell you that as exciting as the event was, the thrill of the weekend for me was two special blogger friends who came to the event.....  none other than Michelle (aka Petite Michelle Louise) and Susan (aka Evelyn and Rose)

We met for the first time last year at our first annual White Event, and have stayed in touch since then through blogging and emails. They are both truly special ladies and it felt like we'd known each other forever!! 
                                    Michelle and Susan

Here's a shot of me, Michelle, fellow shop girl Sandi (A Cottage Muse) and Susan
                                  Photo courtesy of Susan from Evelyn and Rose

Susan also took this one of Michelle and I.  Michelle and Susan were such an encouragement to me that weekend , especially regarding this period in my life! Thank you both from the bottom of my heart!
And to end, here I am with Sweet Susan!  She is just as sweet as she looks.  If you haven't visited Michelle and Susan's blogs, you're in for a treat. And they both have gorgeous etsy shops to boot!
Next post, I'll be sharing  pics of the event from inside the shop, as well as some of my fellow shop girls!

For now, I'm linking up with:
karens sig 2


  1. It was fun looking back on this great day Karen! You took some wonderful photos! See you next week!

  2. Hi Karen! Thank you so much for your sweet visit and lovely comment on my Jane Austen window post! You certainly had some eye candy to share here...what a wonderful white show! I enjoyed your photos and all you ladies look so lovely...some of my favorite bloggers featured here!
    Thank you for sharing! Have a wonderful weekend!
    Best Wishes and Blessings,

  3. Looks like I wish I was there! Thanks for your kind encouragement about my Goodwill mantel decor. I'm happy to meet a fellow Jesus follower!

  4. Wow, so many wonderful things. Looks like you had a lot of fun :)

  5. it's never too late to post about such a wonderful event! still so thrilled about the whole day here too! merci for all your kind words...helped me to start the day off with a smile! ;)

    P.S. Your IH is finis!! I will list it in my ETSY today and email you when it is ready!

  6. Oh wow! This is 2die4. I love seeing all your happy smiling facing and breathing in for myself the GREAT TIME you all had. What a joy to even have a sneak peak!

    I love your your your white!


  7. I don't think I saw anything in those pictures that I didn't want! Good thing for my budget I wasn't there:)

  8. Dear sweet Karen, you lit up my rainy morning with this post! It brought back all the cheerful memories of that day, especially the brightest moments of talking with you and Sandi in person finally after one whole year! You have a wonderful heart and talent to match. I'm looking forward to hopefully shopping with you soon.
    (I love how you're using the photo of you at your booth for your profile, too! Smiling and HAPPY.)
    Take care my friend,

  9. How fun Karen! I sure wish I could'ave been there with you gals! And oh yeah.....I saw PLENTY that would have come home with me! Loved it all! :)

    xoxo laurie

  10. Looks like a fun and fabulous event! ;-)

  11. I was so sad to have missed the event so these pictures are a little slice of heaven for me!


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