Today is a rainy day in New England...
the kind that's cold and raw...
once you're wet... you feel it in your bones kind of rain..
I know...since I've already been drenched today...raincoat and all...
but it was fun...
treasure~ hunting for the shop (and myself) but more on that in a later post.
All I want to do now is a snuggle in with a good book
a steaming cup of coffee
and read until I nap...
(I guess that's the reward of rising at 6:00 am on a Saturday morn)
Maybe a blanket will chase away the chill in my bones...
Rainy days are perfect for deep thought and reflection...
for taking stock of your life... to count your blessings
...face your losses
and be grateful for the life you've lived
to ask the questions:
...Where am I headed?
...Where have I been?
...What can I change.... what can I not?
and quiet yourself to hear....
to wait upon God,
as He speaks to your heart...
and tends to your soul.
To know that no matter where you are in life...
in whatever state you find yourself,
your Father in Heaven will always be drawing you and wooing
you unto Himself...
He will never let you go...all you need to do is ask...

lovely remember, karen:) hope you get some sunshine soon!
You warmed my heart on this rainy day, Karen. So true... days like these are good to pause and sit quietly..looking back and forward over life's changes...and feeling blessed and loved by God.
I hope you got a nice nap in, dear friend, and that you felt God's embrace & how much YOU are loved.
What beautiful expression! Wish I could express. My blog has been down for over a week. I can read yours but can not post. It is driving me crazy. Even paid someone $45 to fix it and it's still a problem.
Nothing like being cozy within your own soul
Such beautiful words...our daughter is just home from Haiti and I can see in her eyes she just wants to go makes me proud and breaks my heart at the same time.....this post just hit home,thank you! x0
If i gave a dollar for the quantity of excellent articles you've written you would be rich. Just thought i would let you know how grateful i am.
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