March 20, 2012

Happy Spring

March in New England has never felt so good

The sun is shining...

the birds are singing...
  All is warm and beautiful
I am reminded of this quote: 
Every spring is the only spring - a perpetual astonishment.  ~Ellis Peters
Isn't that so true?  No matter how many Spring's we are given, each one seems like the first. 

 You just feel as though your heart could burst with the wonder of it all.

Happy 1st Day of Spring Everyone!  May all your days be sunny and bright!

karens sig 2


  1. Happy spring to you, too, Karen! Can't wait to see you soon at the White Event. :)

  2. Oh, and I meant to tell you I just love your new photo up on your sidebar. You look confident and beautiful!

  3. Hi Karen

    Yes you are right about spring! Hope each day is filled with blessings for you. Great post. Sending you hugs

    Kate xoxo

  4. Lovely images to day dream in today. Happy spring!


  5. heureux printemps karen!! with weather more like summer here in New's hard NOT to feel happy! Hope to see you at the WE! ;)

  6. Happy Spring Karen!!
    Looking forward to seeing you soon!


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